Summer pool cleans start in winter

The end of winter is the perfect time to get your pool ready for summer. Here's the top 6 items that must be looked after during your summer pool clean out.

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The end of winter is the perfect time to consider what you need to do to get your pool ready for summer. Summer pool cleans can be complex and onerous – often a burden for pool owners. To make the task ahead a little easier, we’ve put together the top six items that must be looked after during your summer pool clean out.

We expect pool chlorine levels to be lower in winter due to the cooler weather, minimised UV radiation and lack of pool use. As your pool (and you) come out of winter hibernation, the following key actions should be done to maintain pool equipment and pool chemistry, protecting your pool for summer when you’ll be using it a lot more.

1. Pool chemistry and salt balance.

During winter when it rains more often, your pool chemical and salt levels are diluted and therefore need correcting. Without the right pH balance, chlorine won’t affectively sanitise your pool and can cause a buildup of algae (more commonly known as green pool).

2. Filter clean.

A filter cleaner and degrease product can be used to flush out the pool filter and get rid of unwanted waste that may have become trapped. A clean pool filter will help keep your pool crystal clear.

3. Check for phosphates.

If ducks or possums have been hanging around over winter, chances are you will have phosphates in your pool. This can lead to algae and should be removed as soon as possible.

4. Increase chlorinator frequency.

Chlorinator and filtering frequency needs to be adjusted coming out of winter. We suggest six hours per day in spring and eight hours per day in summer.

5. Scrub and vaccum.

Giving your pool surface and tiles a good scrub will help remove any algae that may be attached to the sides. If you don’t have an automatic cleaning system installed, you will need to manually vacuum your pool to capture the debris. If you have PCC2000 installed, no need to worry about this step.

6. Solar heating temperature.

In the later part of spring, it’s time to turn on, or ramp up, your solar heating settings. Set your heating to your desired swimming temperature, but not too warm as this will turn your pool green.

A summer pool clean is a considerable job. With our pool maintenance and service offering, Feature Pools Care, we’ll take care of everything your pool needs including equipment maintenance or replacement if required. Our service team are trained and experienced professionals and will ensure your pool is sparking clean and ready for use as soon as the warm weather hits.

Contact us if you have further questions or for more information.

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